If you are preparing to get remarried, or you have already done so, you might start to question just how much remarriage will impact your child support payments. Divorce is difficult, and when you have children, it gets even worse. When you get remarried, sometimes some of the tensions that developed can start to emerge again. However, it isn’t something that you should avoid just because you don’t want to pay more in child support. Still you do need to know that it is likely that your child support payments will change after you get married. That is part of the reason why lawyers suggest revisiting child support agreements every so often – life changes are always happening and they are always significant.
Remarriage will have an impact on your child support payments, but each case is unique and there is no way to predict what will happen with your payments unless you work with a family and child support lawyer. At the Law Offices of Wendy L Hart, we work with parents on both sides of the equation, those who are paying the child support and those who are receiving it. We will fight diligently to ensure that you get the outcome that you want.
Will my child support payments change now that I’m remarried – will I have to pay more in child support?
Remarriage has an impact on not only child support, but also on spousal support agreements and payments. However, they are handled differently in Fort Worth, so they need to be examined separately. Child support is always going to exist, whether you get remarried or not. As long as your child still requires your child support (up to the age of 18 or 21, depending), you will have to pay.
BUT – just because you have a new spouse and an additional income, that does not mean that you will be required by law to pay more money in child support. This is a common rumor amongst people, but the simple fact is that in Fort Worth, Texas, your income will not combine with your new spouse and result in a higher payment.
It is important to note that if you are paying spousal support or alimony to your ex-wife or ex-husband and that person gets remarried, you can stop making your support payments as soon as the marriage is legal. You do not have to wait for a court to change your spousal support agreement.
In either case, seeking the support of a Fort Worth area family lawyer can help you to better understand the law and the requirements that you have.
Past Support After Remarriage
If your ex-husband or ex-wife does get remarried, you will have to pay any of the missing or back support payments that you were responsible. Once you are caught up, then you can cease paying them. Any alimony that comes in a lump sum must also be paid.
Marriage, divorce, remarriage, and child support is all confusing and complicated. If you have any further questions about paying child support after your remarry or any questions at all about the process of child support, do not hesitate to contact Fort Worth child support lawyers at The Law Office of Wendy L. Hart. We are happy to answer your questions and provide you with the support that you may need.
Contact us at (817) 842-2336.