Child support is just that—money paid to the custodial parent by the non-custodial parent to ensure that a child receives support from both parents. In many cases, this money is paid and used as it was intended, and both parents can ensure the child’s wellbeing. For many custodial parents, … [Read more...] about Penalties For Non-Payment Of Child Support In Texas
When Can Alimony be Reduced in Texas?
In Texas, the term “alimony” refers to the monetary support that one spouse receives from the other as the result of divorce proceedings. These payments may also be referred to by the court as “spousal maintenance.” In Texas, the alimony that a spouse may receive from their former spouse can depend … [Read more...] about When Can Alimony be Reduced in Texas?
What Are The Different Steps In A Divorce Case In Fort Worth?
If a divorce is part of your plans in 2020, there are several steps to follow in order to dissolve a marriage in the Lone Star State. Residency If you were born and raised in Texas and have lived in the state all your life, you’re a resident. You’ll need to live in one county for … [Read more...] about What Are The Different Steps In A Divorce Case In Fort Worth?
What Is A “Petition To Adjudicate Parentage” For In Fort Worth, TX?
When a child is born to a married woman, the law presumes that the woman’s husband is the child’s father. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. With the rise of over-the-counter DNA testing, many children have begun to discover that their biological father isn’t always the one they called … [Read more...] about What Is A “Petition To Adjudicate Parentage” For In Fort Worth, TX?