My office, the Law Office of Wendy L. Hart, represents all walks of life with compassionate and aggressive strategies. I provide full-service assistance to clients in Fort Worth, Tarrant County, and the surrounding areas.
When facing a family law matter, don’t wait. Contact us today at (817) 842-2336 or send me a message online for a consultation.
For detailed information on my practice areas, click the links below.
Adoption Law
Adoption is a forever decision. When you adopt a child it is as if that child was born to you and you become legally responsible for that child. While this is a very emotional decision, it is one not to be taken lightly. You need to fully understand your rights and responsibilities before making this decision because parenthood, while rewarding, is also one of the most difficult things you will undertake. That said, I believe that the benefits far outweigh the stress involved.
Child Custody
The vast majority of family law cases involving a child will involve child custody. This includes divorces, paternities and suits affecting the parent-child relationship. Child custody in Texas has two aspects. 1) Conservatorship, which is the rights, duties and responsibilities that a parent has and 2) Possession, which is the schedule of when each parent has possession of the child.
Child Support
Child support involves the establishment and enforcement of child support obligations.
If a couple has children, the case will involve child custody and support as well as the division of the parties’ assets and debts and potentially spousal support. The wife, will also have the opportunity to change her name, if desired.
Family Law
This includes just about any issue that affects the family. Adoptions are a favorite as those are cases where a family is formed. Many divorces come through the door as well. Couples should stay together if they can; but sometimes that just is not possible. When a divorce is necessary, it is my goal to guide clients through the process in an ethical manner that will enable the healing process to begin.
The vast majority of family law cases involve children. In the family law courts, judges have a good deal of latitude. They are frequently driven not only by the law, but also by what is in the child’s best interest. Therefore, it pays to not only know your rights, but also to have an attorney who is familiar with the judge you will appear before.
Many people have only a partial understanding of their rights in Texas, or perhaps even worse, have received inaccurate information from well meaning friends and relatives. It is critical that you educate yourself about your rights before making decisions regarding your legal issues. When contemplating undertaking a case, you should have a consultation with an attorney to find out what your rights and obligations are before you make decisions that will affect the rest of your life, as well as the lives of others.
This involves the establishment of the parent-child relationship between a father and a child. It is most commonly done when parties were not married at the time of the child’s birth and the father is not on the birth certificate.
Visitation Rights
In Texas this is referred to as the Possession schedule. Texas has a standard possession schedule that is presumed to be in the child’s best interest and to provide the visiting parent with enough contact with their children to promote a healthy relationship. This is the one part of an order that the parties can change by themselves as long as they both agree. As long as they agree, the visiting parent may visit with the children at any time. Additionally, the courts are becoming more supportive of split, or 50/50, possession of children.